Fence Maintenance Tips for Home Owners
After your fence contractor has completed fencing your yard you must have been loved it. This is mainly because it looks great and you will love that it remains like that forever. However the bitter truth is that nothing lasts forever until and unless you take good care of it. This is true for the fence at your place too.
You must not wait till there is huge problem with your fence, ask your fence contractor about the preventive maintenance steps that must be taken by you so that you can start it from the right time. Even if you have forgotten get in touch with them and you will get proper guideline.
Till then here are certain issues that will be helpful for you.
The first thing that must be noted if you have installed wood fence is that whether the wood fence is properly protected. Ask your fence contractor that whether they have seal or stain the fence with a good quality wood sealer. The stain or seal that you use will not only protect the fence but it will also add to the aesthetic value of your property.
Thus, discuss with the fence contractor about the finish of the fence that you will love to have on your fence.
Fixing a loose post
You should keep check on the different posts from time to time if they are wobbly. In case you find any post which is solid but has been loose for some reason fix it quickly. Before you call any expert you can compact some crushed stones at the base of the post.

Pressure Washing
It is for sure that you are keeping your fence clean but along with that you should pressure washes it at regular intervals. This will be helpful in removing any stubborn stain on the fence. While washing it make sure that you are not using more than 1000 PSI of water pressure. If it’s more it may damage the fence and also take care that you spray from at least 6 to 10 inches away from the fence. However, ensure that you discuss with the fence contractor about this before you do yourself.
Replacing a Rotten Fence Post
If you find that a post of the fence has rotten it is necessary to replace it. In such case you have two options in your hand. If you can do it yourself take it out and get it to your fence contractor. Else if you cannot do it yourself ask them to come to your place and complete the replacement. Remember one thing that you should not leave the fence post like that for long.
Also you must be very careful that whether the whole fence is becoming rotten. This is more necessary to pay more attention to those areas where excessive moisture can accumulate as it can lead to making the fence rotten.
These are some of the basic ways in which you can take acre of your fence. Apart from that it is always best to take professional help.